ΚοινωνίαΤελευταία Νέα

Συγκινητική ιστορία με Γερμανίδα τουρίστρια που χάθηκε τον Μάιο στην Ξάνθη και ψάχνει τον άνθρωπο του την οδήγησε πίσω στο γκρούπ της

Όσοι ξέρουν Αγγλικά ας το διαβάσουν. Για τους άλλου γράφω μόνο ότι πρόκειται για μια επιστολή Γερμανίδας τουρίστριας η οποία επισκέφθηκε την πόλη μας τον Μάιο μαζί με κρούπ τουριστών που ήρθαν με κρουαζιερόπλοιο στην Καβάλα… χάθηκε μέσα στην πόλη και ένας συμπολίτης μας Ξανθιώτης, που δεν ήξερε όμως ούτε γερμανικά ούτε Αγγλικά την βοήθησε να ξαναβρεί το γκρούπ της. Επειδή η Γερμανίδα δεν πρόλαβε να τον ευχαριστήσει τότε… έστειλε σήμερα αυτήν την επιστολή στην XanthiNews.gr για να τον εντοπίσει και να του ανταποδώσει την καλοσύνη…

Η επιστολή

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to tell you a little story about one of your citizens.

In the morning of May 21, 2016, our German cruise ship, the Artania, landed at Kavala. Although it was raining dogs and cats (as we say) we boarded our tourist bus in order to visit Xanthi.

When we arrived in Xanthi, our bus stayed at a parking lot a little bit outside of the city near a small river and a bridge. I decided not to “climb” up to the old city (my knee doesn’t like this) but instead intended to have a nice cup of Greek coffee at one of the bars.

However, to my great pleasure, I discovered the local market just opening. Despite the rain, I happily wandered around admiring the luscious vegetables and fruits.

After a while, to my great dismay, I realised that I had lost my way – I simply didn’t know where I was, and how I could get back to the meeting point. So finally I went to one of these tiny little bars, greeted politely with “Kalimera” (the only Greek word I know) and tried to get some information how to get out of this wonderful, but confusing, market.

Unfortunately, none of the gentlemen in the bar spoke either English or German. But, these friendly and helpful people finally figured out that I wanted to catch my bus. One of the gentlemen offered to take me there. In pouring rain he led me through little streets and alleys, around corners, up and down and I followed him – however, I admit there were moments when I was a bit anxious. After all, there I was, in a foreign country, in an unknown city, running behind an unknown gentleman with no way of communicating with him, since I don’t speak the Greek language and the gentlemen spoke neither English nor German.

Finally we turned around a corner and there it was: his car. So he drove me through the streets of Xanthi to the parking lot for the busses. However, it turned out hat this was the parking lot for local busses – and not for tourist busses!

So we agreed to look for help at the policestation. There my wonderful angel in disguise explained my dilemma to the young policemen. After some discussions with hands and feet and a little bit of English, these extremely helpful young men found the solution – and my wonderful saviour drove me to the right spot where everybody there was already quite agitated, because I was missing.

However, before I was able to thank my angel properly for saving me, embracing him and at least asking for his name, he was already gone. So I had no choice, but to get back on the ship without being able to properly show my heart felt appreciation for his invaluable help.

So, maybe you would be so kind as to publish this little story and by this we can find the wonderful gentleman. I really would like to thank him and tell him that I am immensely grateful for his help. God bless him.

Thank you very much in advance for your help.

Greetings and best wishes

Inge Grossmann

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